Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Contemporary Restaurant cooking week two

Fish course - shallow poach
sole with vegetables
The last cooking exam at the school...

The second week of cooking in the restaurant was not easier. It was again full of mistakes and miscommunication. We were consistently late. In the middle of the week we switched with John, so I started cooking proteins and he making garnishes and plated food. Same day we switched we had a menu change. The proteins were the same, there were some changes with garnishes and sauces. Beurre blanc for the sole dish was changed to plum sauce, asparagus for salmon was substituted for Romano bean salad, and chickpea stew was changed for faro salad. In a way it was good, as the new garnishes were easier to assemble and prepare. What was not cool is that for the first couple days when we switched, I was not able to help John with plating or finishing dishes, as all my attention was for proteins and I had no chances to learn how to make new garnishes. Ater couple days it changed and I helped him when it was required.

In the middle of the week

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Contemporary Restaurant cooking week one

Chicken dish
the presentation is clumsy
The last two blocks in the school...

The last two blocks of the school are in the kitchen. Honestly, there were so many things going around, so I had no chances to find time for the blog, my apologies. Now, when the first block is over and I am on summer break, I am going to catch up and write notes for the blog for the last three weeks.

So, let’s begin. It was switch and our half of the class moved to the kitchen. That was rough, indeed. It was not the point that the cooking is very difficult. The dishes we were cooking were really simple. The problem is some individuals. Some people are extremely slow and have no sense of urgency at all. On top of that, one of my classmates was always in demand for the student workers help. Yes, we have student workers in the kitchen and they were helping for the really big tasks or when you are really behind. In my mind you should not